Let's Talk Career Planning.....

One of the reasons we attend university is to build a good life for ourselves.  We pursue a university education because we feel that it will provide a promising pathway for building a fulfilling, engaging, and satisfying life.  However, this does not always work as smoothly as we hope.  It is not uncommon to experience a great deal of uncertainty during our university experience.  We wonder: “What program should I take?” “What path will provide me with the best job?” “How do I know whether the program I am in will help me build the kind of life that I want?”  These questions can often be overwhelming and immobilizing.  It feels as though there is a lot at stake and we don’t want to make a decision that will send us down a path of disappointment, dissatisfaction and unhappiness – a decision that will keep us from realizing the good life that we desire.  At Counselling Services we understand the uncertainties and anxieties people face as they strive to build a good life.  And we love to meet with students to explore their unique gifts, dreams and passions and help them realize a life full of meaning and purpose.  Look us up for career counselling or attend one of our career workshops and engage us in one of our passions!