Workplace Accommodations

What is the Duty to Accommodate?

Workplace accommodations are required by the Alberta Human Rights Act, which states that employers in Alberta have a duty to accommodate in the workplace. This is a legal duty that requires employers to take reasonable steps to accommodate an employee's individual needs and applies to all protected grounds covered under the Act, including race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and physical or mental disability.


Workplace Accommodations at ULethbridge

At ULethbridge, our HR Well-being Advisors work with employees and their managers to help ensure that, whenever possible and feasible, all employees who require an accommodation in the workplace can access one. This process is focused on open communication between involved parties, confidentiality of personal information, and taking the steps necessary to ensure all employees have an equitable opportunity to contribute to our campus community.


Accommodations in the Hiring Process

The duty to accommodate that applies to employees also applies to all applicants and candidates in the hiring process. If you are applying to a position at ULethbridge and require an accommodation in order to participate in the hiring process, please contact Human Resources ( This can include requesting an accessible location, requesting interview questions ahead of time, or any other type of accommodation required for equitable participation based on protected grounds


Want to Learn More?

If you would like to learn more about the legal duty to accommodate and the process to request a workplace accommodations at ULethbridge:

  • Visit the HR Hub | Workplace Accommodations - this page includes information on the accommodations request and implementation process, who is involved in the process, and what information you will need to provide to request an accommodation.
  • Take the Duty to Accommodate Moodle course - this course explores the topic of the legal duty to accommodate and provides an in-depth look at the accommodations request and implementation process. This course is available on demand to all employees. 
  • Contact HR Wellness Services at - a Well-being Advisor would be happy to answer questions and help you navigate the workplace accommodations process.