Campus Life

Management students homeless in support of Wood's Homes

Their shelter will consist of cardboard boxes cobbled together with duct tape; their meals will only come through the generosity of passersby; their electronic devices are unavailable; and all the while, five students from the University of Lethbridge will be expected to attend classes and live their lives as they normally would.

5 Days for the Homeless takes place March 13-18, 2016 and U of L students are once again fully committed to the effort to raise both awareness of homeless issues in our city and beyond, as well as much needed funds in support of Wood’s Homes Youth Shelter.

“We are trying to give something back that will make a positive impact on the community,” says Conner Williams, director of the Management Students’ Society, the campus organization that annually participates in the national 5 Days campaign.

“Over the nine years this event has been held, we have managed to raise over $55,000 for local charities. Our goal is to raise another $10,000 in support of Wood’s Homes this year.”

Williams says that the issue of at-risk youth and youth homelessness is especially relevant to students.

“I think we all kind of look at our lives and think we’ve got it pretty rough sometimes but when you begin to look at the people who Wood’s Homes is working with and supporting, you really get an understanding of the bigger picture and how important it is to help out anyway we can,” he says.

For five days, the student sleepers will forego all the luxuries of their regular lives, from electronics to clean clothes, daily showers and a warm bed. They will take shelter in cardboard boxes on the Students’ Union patio, busk for donations and food and continue to attend classes.

“Every year, the people who participate go into the week expecting it to be difficult but really finding at the end that it was more than they had ever imagined,” says Williams. “I think it’ll give us a whole new perspective on our lives and those of people in need."

Anyone wishing to contribute to the campaign can give on campus or visit the 5 Days website.