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  1. Kaden Fujita | Biological Sciences (Co-op)

    DETERMINED. PASSIONATE. HARDWORKING. “Don’t be afraid to get to know your professors and ask questions. They are more than willing to help you in your classes if you need them.” Favourite Class: Signal Transduction Favourite Social Activity:  Intramural H ...

  2. Katrina Taylor | Biological Sciences

    MOTIVATED. DEDICATED. CARING. “Expand your horizons. Take classes outside of your discipline. And always remember, the Coffee Company has the best coffee on campus!” Favourite Class: An independent study (in academic writing) with Cliff Lobe was amazing! ...

  3. Madison Bourassa | Biological Sciences

    ANIMAL LOVER. CREATIVE. AMBITIOUS. "Get involved in the school/community and take every opportunity that comes your way.” Favourite Class: Introduction to Cinema Studies Favourite Social Activity: Welcome Back BBQ Favourite Study Spot: Group study ro ...

  4. Marina Galatonov | Biological Sciences

    CURIOUS. RESILIENT. OPEN-MINDED. “The first year is always the most difficult but keep working hard, don’t let a bad grade get you down and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The profs always make time for students and they will be happy to help you especi ...

  5. Chad Beck | Biological Sciences

    MOTIVATED. DILIGENT. ACTIVE. “Strive for as many diverse experiences as possible!” Favourite Class:  Animal Physiology Favourite Social Activity:  Volleyball Intramurals Favourite Study Spot:  Floor 9 in the Library What makes my uLethbridge experience un ...

  6. Catrione Lee | Biological Sciences (Co-op)

    PASSIONATE. DRIVEN. HARD-WORKING. “Take as many opportunities as you can. Don’t be afraid to take chances and have a unique school/career path. The value of what you will gain in experience and life skills far outweighs any time limits you believe you nee ...

  7. Jaxon Reiter | Biological Sciences (Co-op)

    DEDICATED. DILIGENT. METHODICAL. “Get to know your professors and talk to them about their research. Ask around and you will find opportunities that you may never knew existed.” Favourite Class: All courses taken as part of the Research Internship Cohort ...

  8. Legacy Krampl | Biological Sciences & Psychology (Co-op)

    BRAVE. EAGER-TO-LEARN. KIND-HEARTED. “Never let self-doubt manifest itself within you. Whether you have a low GPA, little social confidence, or whatever ails you, self-doubt will only make it worse and prevent you from seizing opportunities that could cha ...

  9. Legacy Krampl | Biological Sciences & Psychology (Co-op)

    BRAVE. EAGER-TO-LEARN. KIND-HEARTED. “Never let self-doubt manifest itself within you. Whether you have a low GPA, little social confidence, or whatever ails you, self-doubt will only make it worse and prevent you from seizing opportunities that could cha ...

  10. Marissa King | Biological Sciences (Co-op)

    KIND. PASSIONATE. HARD-WORKING. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Find out what you are truly passionate about and make the most out of the time you are here. Co-op work terms are a great way to get experience and figure out what you want to do later in ...