Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC)

We commit to taking action on the education, research, policy formation, and information exchange necessary to advance sustainability. We will incorporate the three facets of sustainability – environmental, economic, and social responsibility – into all aspects of our institution and communicate these efforts for the benefit of all.

University of Lethbridge Strategic Plan 2014-2019 
Strategic Direction – Enhance the sustainability of the University

What is the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC)?

Environmental sustainability is the managing of natural resources in an effective manner to meet our needs and to preserve and maintain them for future generations.

Environmental sustainability at the University of Lethbridge (U of L) focuses on a vision towards a greener campus and more sustainable practices that will support student learning experiences and preserve the natural, unique landscape that is part of our University. The University of Lethbridge embraces the leadership role and responsibility it must take to influence and educate sustainable practices beyond the classroom.

Advisory to the President of the University, the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC) provides leadership, coordination and guidance to the University for the integration of environmental sustainability principles and practices throughout the University’s teaching, research and operational activities.

The ESAC will work to provide processes that facilitate open and transparent communication and discussion between all University units, for the identification of shared priorities and opportunities for collaboration in the area of environmental sustainability.

Guiding Principles

ESAC will support awareness, knowledge and critical thinking on issues related to environmental sustainability of the University by promoting but not limiting their focus to:

  1. healthy spaces for students, employees, and visitors;
  2. environmentally sustainable teaching, service, research and operational practices;
  3. reduction of environmental impacts such as carbon emissions and greenhouse gases by reducing energy and resource consumption;
  4. sustainable building practices for new buildings and major retrofits.

Terms of Reference Membership List