Library’s Digital Collections Continue to Grow!

This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.

Did you know that the University of Lethbridge Library builds and hosts an array of digital collections? These collections are developed in-house through partnerships with other departments and external organizations.

The content ranges from Blackfoot and First Nations collections, Lethbridge and area histories, local newspapers, natural history, the University Archives, and more!

Some of the most recent additions to the collection include:

Lake Louise, Kootenay & Yoho National Park Collection

  • New in 2015, the Lake Louise, Kootenay & Yoho National Park Collection contains over 5,000 herbarium sheets from these historically significant, World Heritage sites. Used primarily in identifying plants for resource conservation activities, the physical collection was originally developed by park naturalists between 1955 and 1974.

Lethbridge College Endeavour (part of the Lethbridge College Collection)

  • Recently updated, the Lethbridge College Endeavour collection now contains issues of the newspaper from September 2010 to November 2011. Produced by second-year Print Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations students at Lethbridge College, the Endeavour has been published for over 40 years and this digital collection spans from November 1965 to March 2014.

Lethbridge Telegram (part of the Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection)

  • Additional issues of the Lethbridge Telegram from June 1914 to January 1919 newspaper were added to the Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection. The Telegram was a short-lived, local newspaper that began prior to the start of World War One. It was reportedly shut down before the War was over due to rising costs and lack of labour.

Lethbridge News (part of the Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection)

  • Additional issues of the Lethbridge News from December 1885 to December 1906 were also added to the Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection . Established in 1885 by E.T. Saunders, this local newspaper served the city for more than twenty years.

For all of these titles and more, click here and see what the Library has been building for you!


Jesse Malinsky | |

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