Specific Planning Objectives

See Section 1 RFP Project Summary Overall Objectives for additional information.

2.2 Specific Planning Objectives

Expanding from the Statement of Qualifications(SOQ) phase, utilizing the previous Core Campus Expansion Plan (2001) as the primary framework, the Campus Master Plan shall:

  • Relate to all areas that comprise the main campus property including all precincts of the plateau areas to the north, west and south of the current grouping of facilities.
  • Analyze the capacity of existing facilities to accommodate growth and determine the required capacity of new building space.
  • Identify areas within the academic precinct that should be reserved to accommodate growth beyond a 11,000 student campus population, and estimate the expansion capacity of these reserved areas.
  • Determine boundary edges of major precincts and re-affirm the logical grouping of academic, administrative, athletic, cultural and other support space to accommodate staged growth.
  • Over a period of 25 years, communicate a logical and effective implementation plan of building expansion, identifying the suggested phasing of growth at appropriate intervals in a manner which minimizes disruption or repeat relocations.
  • Examine existing and potential networks for new outdoor open spaces that improve the public realm of campus and which address various commons typologies and scales and are appropriate to our climate.
  • As appropriate for each precinct, redefine and further develop Campus Design Guidelines for architecture (building design) and open ‘public domain’ spaces, connections and surface infrastructure (landscape design) which respond to and enhance the unique qualities of our prairie coulee landscape setting. These guidelines should expand upon the Core Campus Expansion Plan to include various key elements such as a description for architectural character or expression that reinforces a sense of place and which showcases research or academic symbolism, social, economic and ecological sustainability, reinforces pedestrian movement, barrier-free design and accessibility, preserve key views, recommend planting guidelines and sustainable best practices in building design (i.e. passive design, orientation, shape, height limit and massing, wind and solar optimization, space planning, glazing ratio, durability, indoor environmental quality).
  • Develop a concept plan within campus precincts that will provide for safe, convenient and logical pedestrian routes between building complexes and natural ‘knowledge’ areas in a networked campus and recommend suitable treatment of these routes. Designate primary ceremonial routes for special events, processions and commemorations. Pedestrian routes and pathways should be clearly defined in the design guidelines in terms of acceptable site furnishingsings, lighting, banners and way finding signage. The concept plan is to recognize the need for a more pedestrian focused campus perceived to be less dominated by the automobile or parking locations and which maintain the movement of students between classes to various destination points within a 10-minute walking interval.
  • For each identified precinct, determine the appropriate development density required for a sustainable campus growth of 11,000 students.
  • Isolate and reaffirm signature campus building sites while preserving ‘Sacred Sites’ identified in the previous plan and recommend appropriate uses.
  • Elaborate upon existing landscaping guidelines to provide continuity between buildings and amplify our distinctive prairie landscape setting in a manner that is compatible with our unique topographic and climatic conditions.
  • Recommendations related to buildings must generally recognize the impact of building form, orientation, enclosure and exterior finishes on mechanical and electrical building systems and ultimately operating costs, and apply the model National Energy Code for Buildings as a means of achieving a healthy balance between capital and life cycle costs of building structures to minimize future operating costs.
  • Review and recommend suitable locations, massing and setbacks for proposed buildings or structures in relation to the academic, research, administrative, and support space growth anticipated during anticipated phases of university growth.
  • Identify an appropriate circulation system for preferred routing of vehicular traffic to accommodate traffic through campus, shipping/receiving/service vehicle flows, and public access to major events spaces and buildings on campus.
  • Make recommendations on the enhancement of primary entrance routes and gateways which announce the institution to the community and support the University image or brand.
  • Provide detailed recommendations for the University’s building expansion requirements and contemplated new facilities. At this time, the 2011-2015 Capital Plan identifies the following future building and capital improvement projects on our main campus:
    • Science Complex Facility
    • Central Plant Facility
    • Tunnel and South Plaza Rehabilitation
    • Administrative Office and Classroom Complex
    • New Student Residences (Aperture Park)
    • Central Dining Facility (Residences)
    • Cultural Art Gallery & Performance Centre
    • Art Collection & Visual Study Facility
    • First Nations Gathering Centre
    • Distributed Learning Centre
    • Research Transition Facility
    • Alberta Water & Environmental Sciences Building - Phase Two
  • Further develop an implementation plan for synchronizing an extension of utility services through and between buildings in conjunction with new construction, in a way that allows central servicing for building utilities and minimizes utility expenditures.