Lethbridge - A Visual History

Then & Now


Are you into GPS (Global Positioning Systems)?

—Test your skill — See how Lethbridge has changed —

— Win buffalo chips — Have some fun —


Below are listed the latitude and longitude (waypoints) for 10 of the Then & Now sites.

Match each waypoint with its Then & Now site

Waypoint #11 has been done as an example

Then... see directions below

Waypoint Number — Latitude — Longitude
49° 41.281 North 112° 49.778 West
49° 41.257 North 112° 50.271 West
49° 41.182 North 112° 49.578 West
49° 41.194 North 112° 48.970 West
49° 41.033 North 112° 46.922 West
49° 41.411 North 112° 47.345 West
49° 42.175 North 112° 49.452 West
49° 41.846 North 112° 49.626 West
49° 41.811 North 112° 50.441 West
10 49° 41.715 North 112° 50.516 West
49° 41.478 North 112° 49.769 West
Then & Now Pages
1 - 5
51 - 55
6 -10
56 - 60
11 - 15
61 - 65
16 - 20
66 - 70
21 - 25
71 - 75
26 - 30
76 - 80
31 - 35
81 - 85
36 - 40
86 - 90
41 - 45
91 - 95
46 - 50
96 - 100
Fill in the correct answer for X, copy & email the chart below to: hrc@ourheritage.net

If you are correct we will mail you some buffalo chips. If you have mistakes, we will let you know so you can try again — until you get it right.


Waypoint 1 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 2 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 3 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 4 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 5 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 6 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 7 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 8 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 9 is number X on the Then & Now Site

Waypoint 10 is number X on the Then & Now Site


Waypoint 11 is number 40 on the Then & Now Site


Please mail my buffalo chips to:




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