The story of Wahlitits and Larry Ott

Eagle Robe and his son Wahlitits cultivated the land west of the Salmon River.

Larry Ott, an old miner from Florence ... asked the old Indian [Eagle Robe] for permission to build a hut on his land. This was readily granted. After a time, he asked for a piece of ground to make a garden. The Indian at first refused, finally granting him permission to enclose a small potato patch. Next year, he wanted to enlarge his enclosure for an orchard and vineyard. The Indian objected, Larry Ott insisted, and went into the woods to make rails on the lndian's claim. The old Indian told him the land was his by right, and that he must desist. Larry went ahead and commenced to haul out the rails. The Indian seeing him with a load of rails, stepped out in front of this team and shook his blanket at the horses. Larry drew a pistol and shot him from the blind side.... Larry then fled to the river... The old Indian lived nine days after being shot.

This caused a great commotion among the settlers as well as the Indians. They held a council of Indians and settlers to determine what to do. The council was presided over by Whitebird on the part of the Indians. On behalf of the settlers were Messrs. Norman Gould, Henry Elfers, Samuel Benedict, and others. Gould told me that, in answer to all their offers or suggestions in the way of settlement, Whitebird would say, 'Give us Larry Ott.' The council broke up without arriving at any settlement. Things went on thus for a year or more.


When Wahlitits left Tolo Lake with his cousin Sarpsis lippilp and his nephew Wetyetmas Wahyakt, his intention was to come here to kill Larry Ott and thereby avenge the death of his father. Larry Ott, however, was not at home. So the trio rode on.

Wetyetmas Wahyakt



The Nez Perce Flight to Canada - An Introduction

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