Kyra Peake 

Senior Studio


Kyra Peake


My art practice consists of creating portraits that compare size, material, and artistic style in order to see a different perspective on that portrait. Through Studying Artistic Styles, I studied artistic styles by famous, and non-famous artists through a self-portrait in order to observe each different outcome it had on that one image. I also worked with birch wood, stonehenge paper, and canvas in Portraits of Psycho in order to see the alterations between each material while using the same image. Miniature Portrait of Dad was created with the intention of challenging myself to create smaller portraits with intense detail and associate it to my experience when creating my larger artworks. As an artist, I feel it's important to remind people that it's okay to be yourself, but it can be difficult in this judgmental society. Be True Be You is a portrait made to support the idea of being happily yourself.