Tanner Layton | MA Sociology (Co-op)

Tanner Layton


“Ask more questions than you give answers. Seek out unhappiness and learn from it. There is no one right way to live a human life. The personal is always the political. Read Sara Ahmed.”

Favourite Class: There are many, including The Meaning of Life, The Individual and Society, Social Cognition, and Research Methodology
Favourite Social Activity: Playing cards, watching sports, eating wings, drinking beer
Favourite Study Spot: Good Earth Coffeehouse, Starbucks

What makes my uLethbridge experience unique?

  • Explored media representations of Justin Bieber in an independent study with Dr. Kim Mair
  • Examined ‘Blue Jay fever’ and its economic implications in a sociology paper for Dr. Tom Perks
  • Observed the subtleties of biopolitics and state violence during my co-op workterm with Indigenous Services Canada
  • Being a teaching assistant gave me an opportunity to have insightful learning experiences with other like-minded students
  • Got to read Albert Camus’ novel The Stranger on a beach in Cancun for Dr. Laderoute’s summer philosophy course