Sierra Bruining | Psychology

Sierra Bruining


“You don’t have to get your major right the first time and there is no rush to finish. This is my third major and I feel I have finally got it right! If you really love a class, tell your professor and try to get to know them. Getting to know my favourite professors and asking for independent studies, applied studies, or future classes with them has led to unique opportunities that I wouldn’t have had if I hadn’t reached out and expressed my interest.”

Favourite Class: Human Health, Behaviour, and Social Technologies with Louise Barrett
Favourite Social Activity: Friday lunchtime drop-in yoga
Favourite Study Spot: At home with a cup of coffee and my dog at my feet

What makes my uLethbridge experience unique?

  • I have worked on campus at the Sport and Recreation Customer Service Desk since I transferred here in my third year, it has been a great way to meet other students and staff around campus

  • I volunteered on campus planning the 2019 Annual Yoga Rave and will be volunteering again with the upcoming 2020 Yoga Rave

  • I completed an applied study with Victim/Witness Services to gain hands-on experience

  • I have been working on an independent study with Bryan Kolb for the past 3 semesters looking at the relationship between handedness and recovery from concussions

  • If an opportunity arises, I always say yes even if it scares me: for example, after taking several courses with my favourite professor, Louise Barrett, I asked to do an independent study with her, she then invited me to join her graduate-level reading group; as nervous as I was the first class, it pushes me to think more critically and continue to improve my writing skills