Maria Livingston

Maria Livingston

Family Pride

Margaret Lamouche (BA '02, BEd '05) and her daughters, Sandra Lamouche (BA '07) and Maria Livingston, comprise two generations of U of L students and alumni

Giving Spirit

Maria Livingston always aspired to be a university graduate, but she wasn’t always certain a university education was in the cards for her – at least not until she discovered the First Nations Transition Program (FNTP) at University of Lethbridge.

Oral History Project brings the past to life

University of Lethbridge students Karissa Patton (BA ’13) and Maria Livingston worked together on an oral history project aimed at helping people enhance their understanding of artist Nicholas de Grandmaison

Oral History Project brings the past to life

The story-gathering initiative is aimed at helping people to enhance their understanding of artist Nicholas de Grandmaison and his unique connections to First Nations communities
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