Recent Sport and Recreation Headlines

Recent Sport and Recreation Headlines

  • March 23, 2009 | Sport and Recreation
    The University of Lethbridge and Sport and Recreation Services make it difficult to come up with excuses for not staying in shape. Not only does the U of L have first-rate facilities to satisfy every recreational need,...
  • February 10, 2009 | Sport and Recreation
    Beginning in March, the University of Lethbridge Communications office will be producing an e-news mailing that will be distributed to all employees once per week on Mondays. The main purpose of the e-newsletter is to...
  • February 9, 2009 | Sport and Recreation
    The University of Lethbridge and Sport and Recreation Services make it difficult to come up with excuses for not staying in shape. Not only does the U of L have first-rate facilities to satisfy every recreational need,...
  • October 23, 2008 | Sport and Recreation
    In November, the Land Matters series continues with two exhibitions that focus on different contemporary Canadian approaches in the representation of landscape. "Identity is central to the representation and experience...
