Campus Life

UPass issue at heart of debates

Recently, the Students' Union General Assembly voted to send the issue of a new universal bus pass to referendum.

The proposal came after 77 per cent of respondents to the ULSU Year in Review survey told the ULSU to look into the UPass; indicating that students were becoming concerned with the rising costs of transportation.

There are two major additions to the program since it last was sent to referendum in 2006. Firstly, there will be an opt-out option for students living outside of the service area, on practicum outside of Lethbridge,and taking distance-learning courses. Secondly, if successful, this proposal will be subject to a one-year term and would go back to a referendum for permanent approval in February 2013. The one-year term will effectively serve as a trial period whereby students can become familiar with the service and determine whether they're able to make effective use of it.

Town Halls on the UPass issue will take place in the UHall Atrium on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at noon, Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 12:15 p.m., and Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 5 p.m. The referendum vote will be held online from Oct. 24 to 26.