RIM Month Weekly Challenge #3: Online Scavenger Hunt

This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

Celebrate Records and Information Management (RIM) Month!

RIM Month Weekly Challenge #3

This week, visit the Information Security Office and Privacy Office websites to find answers to 10 questions about these programs and learn why managing your information is important. You can complete the challenge in 15 minutes or less, right from your desk.

Get started now!

Each submission received by Friday, April 20 will be entered into this week's prize draw, as well as the grand prize draw that will be held at the end of the month. Prize details are available on the Records Management website.

Do you want more chances to win? Complete past weekly challenges or register for training to earn more entries to the grand prize draw at the end of April. 

Designated Records Officers

Designated Records Officers (DROs) are designated staff who play an important role as the stewards of RIM in each department. They liaise with the Records Management office and provide leadership within their department for the management of information assets. DROs are there to help you manage the University's information assets effectively and efficiently. Many hands make light work!

Visit the Records Management website  to find out who your department's DRO is, and make a point of celebrating the great work they do!

If your department doesn't have a DRO yet, just email records@uleth.ca to designate a staff person for this role. They will receive training and ongoing support from the Records Management Office. 

Room or Area: 
Your desk


Records Management | records@uleth.ca | 4033292750 | uleth.ca/records-management