Sulphur Mountain

Although like just another hill it is the highst point on this side of the Hayden Valley.

We were just on the point of leaving the [Sulphur] Springs, when Duncan came running down from the top of Sulphur Mountain, exclaiming, 'There's a d-n big party of tourists, or else a big band of elk, ahead!" Wilkie said-"Yes, your elk will turn out to be trees, like all the rest of the game you see."

After traveling 3 or 4 miles the boys began to grow uneasy We could see something alive coming, but did not know what it was....

We traveled on ... and, on reaching the top of a small hill, saw a large camp across the Yellowstone. Duncan exclaimed: "Indians! Indians! My God, it's Indians!" He wanted us to backtrack....

We traveled back at a very lively rate for five or six miles to Sulphur Springs, where our scare seemed to subside a little.... We then found a beautiful and safe camp....

Ben Stone
tourist-Helena party
September 6, 1877



The Nez Perce Flight to Canada - An Introduction

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