General Howard's command arrived at Weippe on July 30, two weeks behind the Nez Perce.

The ascent of the heights beyond Kamiah was tedious in the extreme. it was raining hard, and the muddy, slippery trail was almost impassable, filled with rugged rocks and fallen timber. The descent to the Lo-lo Fork was made by slipping, crawling and scrambling over rocks and through thick underbrush. At the 'We-ipe' was an opening in the forest with water and grass. Here was a camp made for the weary, footsore animals and exhausted men, after a sixteen mile march of the greatest severity.

Lt. E.S. Farrow

At the 'We-ipe, ' . . . there was quite a lengthy opening in the forest, and plenty of water and grass. The hostile Indians had pastured this plat pretty well, and had dug over much of the land for the camas roots....

Gen. Oliver Otis Howard

The Weippe Prairie of that time was about a thousand acres, much smaller than the amount of cleared land you see here today.



The Nez Perce Flight to Canada - An Introduction

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