Both our 1959 and 1970s topo maps showed an abandoned field east of the hamlet Ensign which we assumed was an emergency airstrip for the Vulcan base.
The heavily rutted dirt road was testing our little smart car to the point where we decided it best to go into the town of Vulcan and consult with the Trekkies at the intergalactic tourist centre. Surely, they would be all-knowing and could guide us to the site by a better route.
The consultation was in vain.The power of the Force would only reject our findings stating that such a landing strip as far as they were concerned didn’t exist.
From a round-about way we reached close to where our GPS said the Ensign strip should be but the puddles of water suggested maybe we should let the Force have it’s way and move on.

Hopefully, future adventurers — maybe you, a mere earthling, will find remnants and set the Force right. May the truth win-out.

Sorry, I'm getting carried away. Let's move on.

Editors note:

I am told my reference (above) to Star Trek is all wrong.

Vulcan was the home planet of Mr. Spock in the TV series "Star Trek".

"The Force" is the power that bound the universe in the various "Star Wars" movies.

"Live Long and Prosper"

OK, I confess, I have never had any interest in the subject which probably showed and may be the reason I was thwarted - B.H.

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