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January 13, 2001

One of the most important tourist spots in Ecuador, Baños is nestled between the Tungurahua volcano and the Rio Pastaza. After over 80 years of inactivity Tungurahua began venting steam in August 1999 and ash in October. The town was immediately evacuated because of the threat of major eruption and the military sent in to protect property. In early 2000 there were reports that members of the military were captured on videotape looting and as a result former residents against the advice of authorities and scientists returned to protect their homes. Tourists also began to return and life has now returned to normal.

After a hearty breakfast we left to explore Baños for ourselves . Baños means 'baths' and that is precisely what the town is famous for. Outside our door at the Hotel Sangay is the falls and the Piscina de La Virgen baths.

We walked into the heart of the town. Baños is famous for its sugar cane and at our first stop we learned all about it. Baños is also well known for its jawsticking toffee and Candace couldn't resist the temptation. Approaching the basilica a telescope allowed us to view the statue of the Virgin of the Holy Water on the hillside looking down over the valley. We would see the Virgin again when we entered the Dominican church which attracts many pilgrims. The Virgin is credited with the performance of several miracles in the Baños area and is the object of devout admiration as exemplified by the many offerings to her and the paintings depicting her miracles. On leaving the basilica we noticed the Christmas decorations still up had a temperate zone flavour even at the equator.

Possibly it was the decorations that put us in the mood for shopping and there was lots of opportunity here. Painted balsa-wood birds are big in Baños as are tagua carvings. There are lots of other things to spend your money on as well but you may rather just spend your time doing what is a very popular pastime in Baños - people watching.

You can explore the countryside as well. A walk through town to the river overlook provides a great view of the Paztaza and beyond. And if you want to escape still further there are agencies streetside most willing to help,

It had been a full day and was now time to get serious about eating. Again the street provided options.

We decided for both our mental and physical health we would stick with the regular menu provided by Adventures Abroad. After a another great meal, this time with entertainment we decided to enjoy some Baños nightlife.

Tomorrow we travel to Quito via "The Avenue of the Volcanoes"

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