Erika Hasebe-Ludt

The Literacy Research Centre

Research Background and Interests

Erika Hasebe-Ludt researches and teaches in the areas of teacher education in connection with language, literacy and culture, and curriculum studies. Her background is in interdisciplinary studies in first and additional literacies, literature, and cultural studies.

Erika's research interests focus on writing and reading in between languages and cultures in cosmopolitan contexts. She is also interested in developing teacher education programs that respond to the new global and local realities in national and transnational contexts and create responsive and vibrant pedagogies and institutional structures; to this end, she has worked with European and other Canadian universities on a student exchange project funded by the Canada-Europe Youth Mobility Program, entitled Internationalization, Cultural Difference, and Migration.

Erika has also been involved with the Faculty of Education’s Belize graduate cohort, teaching and researching in the areas of language and culture in the classroom and community.

Current Research Project

Erika is presently in a study entitled Rewriting Literacy Curriculum in Canadian Cosmopolitan Schools (SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2007-2010). Her co-investigators, Cynthia Chambers (U of L) and Carl Leggo (UBC), are working with educators in sites such as Calgary, Vancouver, and Lethbridge on investigating and implementing life writing as one of the new literacies for our time.

Recent Publications

  • Chambers, C., & Hasebe-Ludt, E., with Donald, D., Hurren, W., Leggo, C., & Oberg, A. (2008). Métissage: A research praxis. In J. G. Knowles & A. Cole (Eds.), Handbook of the arts in qualitative research: Perspectives, methodologies, examples, and issues (pp. 141-153). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  • Hasebe-Ludt, E., Chambers, C., Oberg, A., & Leggo, C. (2008). Embracing the world, with all our relations: Métissage as an artful braiding. In S. Springgay, R. L. Irwin, C. Leggo, & P. Gouzaouasis (Eds.), Being with a/r/tography (pp. 58-67). Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers.