Michael Chan Prize in Asian Studies


(Donor: Friends and family of Michael Chan)

Value: $1,000

Number: One

Eligibility-candidate pool:

Continuing or graduating full-time undergraduate or graduate students in any degree program with an interest in Asia-focused or Asia-related scholarship, research and projects.

Criteria-ranking the pool:

Outstanding achievement in a course project or paper on an Asian topic. Preference to projects that enhance Canada-Asia understanding and humanitarian cooperation.


Payment immediately following the granting/selection of the award. Graduating students do not need to be registered in the fall semester.


Deadline for submission of a copy of the paper or report will be August 20. Submission is made to the Coordinator of Asian Studies.


We strongly encourage students to revise their paper/project, incorporating feedback from their instructor before submission. Please submit your project as an email attachment, accompanied by a cover letter which indicates the following:

• Term and Date

• Course title, number, and Instructor’s name

• Indicate Type of Assignment: Term Paper or Project, Independent or Applied Study, Honours Thesis, or Graduate Assignment, etc.

• Original grade of the project

• Abstract for the project of 100 words or less, together with any other relevant information

• A brief note about what revisions were made

Recipient Selection:

Selection committee consisting of two Faculty members appointed by the Coordinator of Asian Studies.

Note: Michael Wing-Cheung Chan (1952-2001) was a Chinese Canadian scientist and humanitarian known for his brilliance in mathematics and his passion in promoting Canada-Asia understanding.

Calendar submission in Undergraduate, General and Graduate Section:


Michael Chan Prize in Asian Studies

(Friends and family of Michael Chan)

Michael Wing-Cheung Chan (1952-2001) was a Chinese Canadian scientist and humanitarian known for his brilliance in mathematics and his passion in promoting Canada-Asia understanding

Value: $1,000

Continuing or graduating full-time undergraduate or graduate students in any degree program with an interest in Asia-focused or Asia-related scholarship, research and projects

Outstanding achievement in a course project or paper on an Asian topic

Preference to projects that enhance Canada-Asia understanding and humanitarian cooperation

August 20

Submission of paper or project report to the Coordinator of Asian Studies

Approved by the Student Awards Committee on October 17, 2013.

Annual Award Terms of Reference (PDF)